
日本と英国/欧州のビジネスをつなぎ、イノベーションを支援する、カームジャパン株式会社(オフィス:大阪市北区)です。Oxford University Innovation(OUI・オーユーアイ) 日本事務所として、大学世界ランキング1位・オックスフォード大学の知財紹介等も行っています。KAHM Japan Ltd. (located in Osaka, JAPAN) facilitates business and innovation between the UK / Europe and Japan.



We access our wealth of experience and utilise our domestic and international networks in addition to a great variety of personal connections. The following services are provided by KAHM Japan:



英国総領事館 貿易・対英投資部にて100を超える日本企業の英国/欧州/米国進出のサポートを行ってきたスペシャリストが、さまざまなニーズにお応えします。






・グローバル人材育成研修の手配          など










・日本の商習慣等のレクチャー            など




Oxford University Innovation (OUI) 日本事務所を兼ねる弊社は、企業のみならず各種研究機関・団体等からの世界中の知財探索に関するさまざまなご相談を日本語で承っております。





・英国での人材研修手配            など




● Assistance for Japanese companies to realise their expansion plans in the UK / Europe

Access to experts from the UK Trade & Investment team based at the British Consulate-General who have helped more than one hundred Japan-based companies succeed in the highly competitive UK / European market place.

- Provision of preliminary surveys in the UK / Europe clarifying market size, competitors,

  legal restraints and intellectual property searches.

- Making arrangements for on-site visits

- Introduction of business partners in the UK / Europe

- Introduction of government organs and trade-related agencies

- Arrangements for human resources development programmes, etc.  


● Assistance for UK / European companies to realise their expansion plans in Japan

It is not always easy for UK / European companies to expand their business into Japan which has a distinct culture and differing business practices. Nevertheless, many companies choose Japan as the first country of expansion into the Asian market place.

Customised services and support from specialists based at the British Consulate-General who have led the successful entry into Japan of a number of UK companies having innovative technologies and ideas.

- Provision of preliminary surveys in the UK / Europe clarifying market size, competitors, legal restraints and intellectual property searches

- Defining approach strategies to potential companies; creating support from business alliances

- Arrangement of and accompanying to company visits in Japan

- Introduction of governmental, academic and trade-related organisations

- Providing lectures on Japan's business practices, etc.


● Collaboration with the University of Oxford for business support 

KAHM Japan also houses the Oxford University Innovation Japan office which currently provides consultations on intellectual property related searches around the world for not only corporate bodies but also for diversified research institutions and organisations.

- Intellectual property searches around the world in addition to innovation management associated with particular commercial materials and technology

- Market research throughout the UK / Europe

- Investigation into the commercial potential of technology for investors (‘Business angels’ or Venture Capital, etc)

- Arrangements for human resources training in the UK, etc.


 For more information, contact us


2024.09.15 Sunday