
日本と英国/欧州のビジネスをつなぎ、イノベーションを支援する、カームジャパン株式会社(オフィス:大阪市北区)です。Oxford University Innovation(OUI・オーユーアイ) 日本事務所として、大学世界ランキング1位・オックスフォード大学の知財紹介等も行っています。KAHM Japan Ltd. (located in Osaka, JAPAN) facilitates business and innovation between the UK / Europe and Japan.


2015 / 11 / 27  18:00

第1回はなやかKANSAI魅力アップ研究会「ビジネスのしやすさ分科会」にて宮松が講演 Mr. Miyamatsu gave a lecture at Hanayaka Kansai Forum




Kansai bureau of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry set up the first-ever “Hanayaka Kansai Forum to create the attractive cities” in June 2015. Here, they enhance information sharing and argue among relevant organizations about an advantage of Kansai area and problems to be overcome for the purpose of admittance of foreigners including businessmen and foreign students.

Mr. Miyamatsu had a lecture as one of the speakers on the separate meeting to help foreigners facilitate easily international business in Japan.


2015 / 11 / 13  20:00

「第4回鉄道技術展」にNomad Digital 日本オフィスが出展 Nomad Digital at 4th Railway technology Exhibition

2015年11月11~13日に幕張メッセにて開催されました「第4回鉄道技術展」に、Nomad Digital 日本オフィスが出展いたしました。 

Nomad Digital Japan office run the booth at the Mass-Trans Innovation Japan 2015 International Trade Fair for "Railways" Technology from 11-13 November in Makuhari Messe, Chiba.


Details on this exhibition are available from the website below;




2015 / 11 / 13  18:00


Lecture presentation by President Hamilton of The University of Oxford. Introduction of ISIS Innovation by Mr. Aiba.





Mr. Andrew Hamilton, president of the University of Oxford, held a commemorative lecture under the theme of “The role of universities on the creation of innovation - learn from Oxford cases” during his first visit to Osaka.

Oxford Isis Innovation cosponsored the lecture, Mr. Aiba of the Japanese representative introduced the business to everyone in attendance. Evening newspaper of "Nihon Keizai Shimbun" dated 11 December 2015 introduced this lecture.

2015 / 11 / 04  20:00

ワークショップ「世界各地におけるダイバーシティの事例」開催、名誉顧問Tony Cantorが出席 

Workshop titling “Case study of the diversity in the world.” Honorary advisor Mr. Tony Cantor attended.



Mr. Tony Cantor, honorary advisor of KAHM Japan, visited Osaka to hold the workshop under the title of “Case study of the diversity in the world” hosted by The Urban Innovation Institute, while enjoying a cup of tea and having discussion.


2024.10.22 Tuesday